5 Tips To Keep Your Data Safe In Cloud
The number of users of personal cloud increases every year, in fact a consulting and research of information technologies, company called Gartner predicts that by 2014 most users will work through the cloud.
Today, we rarely choose to send a lot of photos by email, no longer use the USB to carry documents. The cloud has become a place where everyone meets and exchanges information. Moreover, it has become a place where data are maintained permanently.
Increasingly we rely more and more in the cloud. Now even important documents, such as passwords and identities are already placed in this virtual storage space.
But you can be sure that your information is protected?
Today we present 5 tips to protect data privacy:
Many of you have heard sure: "Never keep the information in the cloud." In this we all agree, but always have to have a place to store our data. Our first tip is almacenéis prevent sensitive information in the cloud, ie; always tries to lock that information or data that can truly be important, or make sure your documents remain intact.
If you are not sure what is cloud storage, be sure to read the user agreement of service you're considering signing up. There is no doubt that it is difficult and boring, but it's very important to really know you need to let them frente.De this way, you're not taking any surprises when using the service.
Surely you have heard a million times that warning, but still most people do not follow it. Did you know that 90% of all passwords can be discovered in seconds?
In fact, all the stories about encroachments on accounts produced by a password that you create and remember. Moreover, duplication of e-mail password other services you use (Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox) is a trap.
The most efficient method to create your password is:
1. Choose a random word (preferably long) - for example, "communication".
2. Imagine that you are going to create a password for Gmail. What I suggest is to write the key followed by Gmail. Therefore Gmail password is "communication." If you sign up for Skype, the password would be "communication skype"
If you want to further strengthen your password, you can type numbers or symbols, but never your date of birth or family names.
Encryption is so far the best way to protect your data. This usually works as follows:
If you're going to move a file to the cloud, you must use certain software with which to create a password for the file, when it traslades longer protected and a password in the cloud. This way no one will be able to see the file contents without knowing the key. In turn you can also compress files and encrypt a password.
We will advise Software "Symantec Endpoint Encryption"
There are some cloud services that provide encryption and decryption of files locally, plus storage and backup. This means that the service is responsible for both encrypting your files on your own computer as secure storage in the cloud. Therefore, there is a greater chance that this time no one, including service providers or server administrators have access to your files. These services are Spider-oak and Wuala.
Some of these services are extra and not everyone is willing to pay for the data that is stored, but it is the only way that your documents are truly secure.
We hope all these tips I have found useful. Greetings and Merry Christmas.
Cloud Storage
This article is about storing data in the cloud at enterprise level. To file hosting in the cloud for consumers, see file hosting service.
Cloud storage, cloud storage English, is a data storage model based on computer networks, devised in the years 1960.1 where data are hosted on virtualized storage spaces, usually provided by third parties.
Hosting companies operate large data processing centers. Users who require these services they buy, rent or hire the necessary storage capacity. The operators of data processing centers, a service level, virtualize resources according to customer requirements. Only display settings with the resources required. Customers manage storage and operation of files, data or applications. Resources can be spread across multiple physical servers.
A storage services cloud, can be accessed by different means, such as a web service (web service) application programming interface (API), user interface (web interface) or some other selected for cus
Store Your Data In Cloud
Sure you have an account on Twitter and Facebook and know how to use them. Sure you hear about cloud several times a day but not just see how it works or if you can avail yourself of something. In this tutorial we show you how to take your first walks through the cloud and we predict that will not be the last.
Every time you use an online application like Twitter, Edmodo or Silde share, you are working in the cloud because you do not need to install any specific software on your computer, but you access those programs mentioned in your browser, as a service that provides a company or an organization through the Internet, either in exchange for a fee or advertising.
In all of them you keep some information, which is the product of your activity, and some allow you to save files directly: for example you can store presentations on Slide share and Picasa photos. There are also other online services that allow you to store any type of files, which are known as virtual hard drives or storage services in the cloud. This time we will focus on two of them: Google Drive and Mega
Factors To Consider When Choosing a Cloud Computing Service
Perhaps you're considering deploying your applications in the cloud, so it is convenient to review what involves using the cloud as hosting before choosing a particular service. Using the cloud means less knowledge management systems but not get rid of some of these tasks.
Auto scaling resources
One of the great advantages of the cloud is that we can scale our virtual machines according to our needs without making an initial outlay of a specific number of machines. As demand increases and see traffic spikes can gradually increase the necessary resources. It is important to consider how the system works autoscaling on the platform you choose, there are alternatives that make transparently autoscaling and others that require us to define a number of configurations to allocate resources.
Pay for what you use, eye with the bill
In the cloud bill for what we consume, that is, only we paid the use we make of the machines. Of course, it influences the type of resources that we hire from small machines (micro instance) to large machines (extra large instance) with greater processing and storage capacity.
The price will vary determined by the processing time we have consumed, memory used, the number of requests we have done., ... Etc. A number of variables that have to be controlled and if possible be simulated calculators offer some solutions.
Cloud Infrastructure: Additional services
Not everything is hosting our application. There are solutions we also offer additional services such as mail servers, NoSQL databases already installed, CDNs for our streaming traffic, etc ... If we want a complete solution that is also important to opt for a service or other factor.
Administration and monitoring tools
All our virtual machines are managed remotely so the more usable is the best available tool. Most solutions offer panels that monitor the "health" of our machines and warn us when it is time to increase the number of resources. Normally in a couple of click we can raise a few instances or turn them off. Of course, the platform depends on the level of involvement on our part when configuring the machines.
Load Balancer
All services offered load control our applications. You rarely have to worry about setting Balancer, but not discard perform a number of configurations for instances involved are conveniently replicated.
Introduction To Cloud Computing
There are circulating many definitions; one of the best comes from the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
"Cloud computing refers to the dynamically adjusted to needs Offer, benefits and billing of IT services through a network. Supply and use of this service take place immeditly via defined interfaces and protocols. The range of services offered as part of cloud computing covers the full range of information technology and includes, among other infrastructure (eg. As processing power, memory), platforms and software. "
What does this mean?
This at first glance somewhat bulky definition states the following:
Cloud computing is scalable. The users can use the services flexible and customized services.
Cloud Computing is provided over the network. In most cases this is made available to and used by multiple customers per account in a so-called "public cloud" in the services of a provider.
So cloud services are spread over many and changing locations - an important contribution to flexible working world and the availability of IT resources.
The services provided are diverse. They are divided into three models:
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):. IT resources such as storage, processing power, or networks, are offered as a service. The client builds on these resources with the software of their choice on their own services.
Platform as a Service (PaaS): The provider also provides interfaces and the operating system in addition to the hardware. It offers the customer about multi-tenancy, database access, etc. The built on top of the platform software and application determined by the customer itself.
Software as a Service (SaaS): The customer uses in addition to hardware and platform and the software. SaaS vendors provide applications of all kinds are available, from simple e-mail client to fully integrated enterprise software. The customer administers the offices of the services he provides in the Web browser, while the provider takes care of the IT administration.
What about security?
Modern cloud providers have a high level of safety. The BSI has defined clear requirements for the security of cloud services, especially for data centers, servers, networks, applications, platforms, and the data itself. Security architectures and encryption provide even with sensitive data for adequate security.
Data lying in a professionally administered, German high-security data center, are better protected from abuse and inspection by third parties, as on a local server.
An example of application
An agency is working with the project team of internal and external employees. In the cloud, employees can (depending on their permissions) to store files, read and edit, without different versions start to circulate that from their different locations.
Through virtual customer or project files are all important information currently bundled and sorted before. All parties are characterized on the same, the current state of knowledge.
Hybrid Cloud
Windows Azure allows you to develop new applications or services in the cloud, the dependent any particular platform and are available everywhere. Windows Azure also offers cloud-based tools for application development for testing, deployment, hosting and maintenance applications. The architecture comes with concurrency management, availability, fail over and security. The open architecture supports integration with legacy applications and interchangeability with other systems.
Windows Azure Platform provide infrastructure as a service or request Compute and storage to host, scale, create and manage applications. If necessary, storage and supply of compute infrastructure costs does not help to optimize peak hours.
This platform can also provide different levels of security data. There are numerous safety aspects such as location, access and what other data is in the same environment. Since data are different security requirements, a way to optimize costs, while managing the security for the operation of applications on a hybrid cloud infrastructure consisting of public cloud, government cloud and private cloud or local infrastructure.
You could host some solution components on a public cloud, the data have are on the government community cloud and a private cloud. By distributing the data and solution components on public, government and private cloud storage can optimize and calculate costs. Solution components that have hosted in the government-Cloud fewer users and lower infrastructure costs. The Government Cloud will optimize these costs to a lesser extent compared to the public cloud.
Using the same logic, you could explore a local or private cloud infrastructure components and data with the highest security requirements. Because of the smaller user base of these features have the lowest infrastructure costs from the outset and are suitable for private cloud hosting model.
Every cloud solution should come at the corporate level tools such. As the ability to rename files to prevent confidential or encrypt messages add-ons that increase the complexity and cost. Solutions integrated or was often lacking as a consumer cloud solutions at the enterprise level tools that are standard in the cloud solutions for government.
Many cloud offerings do not manage data integrity effective as data between local and the cloud data repository moved. For example, documents should maintain a consistent format and all the essentials, such. As watermarks. Any retention of data management and archiving regulations must be complied with in public or government cloud, as if these cloud environments are local.
A solution that enables collaboration between officials and customers in real time perform a responsive program, resulting in a rich and effective customer relations. Reliable and robust information sharing with other departments and agencies, combined with actionable analytics, will draw insight from context data object increase reliability.
Types of Hosting
Free web hosting service
If free provided by different providers. The functions offered are, however, very limited, and z. B. are funded by advertising.
Shared web hosting service
Here, all domains share a common pool of server resources, such as disk space, RAM or CPU. Simple functions are offered, but inflexible in terms of software and updates.
Re seller Web hosting
Provides the ability and own hosting services to forgive. These so-called reseller accounts are provided in different sizes.
Virtual Dedicated Server
This type of web hosting divides server resources into virtual servers, the hardware resources can be flexibly allocated to the respective users.
Dedicated hosting
The user has full administrative access to your own server. Personal responsibility for safety and maintenance of own dedicated server the user transfer.
Managed Hosting Service
but on your own server is not in full control of this. The data may z. B. by an FTP tools be uploaded. Restrictions on the users exist.
Colocation Web Hosting
The user has its own server and complete control. The location of the server is located, however, at another hosting company, provides that space for accommodation.
Cloud hosting
A new type of hosting platform that allows the user powerful and reliable hosting on clustered servers. However, problems in data security can be made.
Clustered Hosting
Distribution of resources by the merger of servers. Cluster servers provide an approach for high availability.
Grid Hosting
Distributed hosting when a cluster acts as a private network. It includes multiple nodes and is made up of these.
Home Server
Normally, a single, private computer is used as a server to host one or more websites.
There are also Web hosting services that accept only certain types of files, such as photo-sharing services only image files and video portals only films
IT Outsourcing and Cloud Services
As part of our cloud services solutions, we assume the full operation of central systems and applications of our customers in the data center. We include the two basic conditions:
Fault-tolerant technology infrastructure and field-tested IT expertise.
The combination of the two different cloud services from retail banking and forms the basis for the reliable operation of important or critical business applications.
Characteristic of cloud services is a high share of services in all project phases.
The technical design of an environment and the contractual details of cooperation customization in each individual case. The responsibilities between the customer and the service provider for the components of a system or a complex system landscape can be individually adapted to the project requirements
Cloud Computing - The Future Is Flexable
A well-organized IT department now has been the heart of a modern company. but also requires high investment costs in hardware, software and trained personnel. Cloud applications enable meanwhile services and IT resources for rent, exactly when the company needs them and only as long as they are needed - which not only saves costs, but is also flexible.
Under cloud computing can be a lot more understanding than just storing your own content on the platform of a service provider. This is rather a new form of IT management. IT resources, whether software or hardware, as well as certain business models, are within a corporate network or via the Internet. Depending on requirements, they are very flexible, because the IT resources can be scaled according to performance and extent of usage. The payment is very individual, because while only the actual "consumption" of resources is based on usually.
Cloud computing - from your own computer in the cloud
Why is Cloud Computing interesting for companies? From a business and operational perspective three reasons to believe reserve cloud computing as a service and the corresponding IT infrastructure not to have even the spot:
- Flexible resource: Scale according to your needs, simply and quickly
- Billing to measure: pay exactly what you actually use
- Assign yourself: You decide the scope and performance of IT resources
In a cloud resources are allocated as needed. This ensures that you have no unnecessary expenses for unused capacity and always fall back on the other side as much power as is needed for current projects. IT resources of any kind, upon the particular application to data centers, are provided in cloud computing with the "as-a-service" principle. It is in the hands of the provider, software development environments or IT infrastructures to create, entertain and modernize. You use this only and therefore save labor costs in the IT field, since they always have access to the IT expertise of the provider.
How this is done, the example shows online storage: With this service, cloud computing has been equally popular with individuals and businesses. As a customer you hire a physical server space in a data center, but reflect a specific service. You get a certain amount of memory for a certain price. vary depending on the provider, in this form of cloud computing but Service and Support: Who pays attention to costs, the least expensive service provider chooses. However, those who place great importance on security and privacy, should choose a cloud provider from Germany.
Your service portal for cloud computing
Cloud.de is an independent and neutral marketplace for cloud-based software and services. Compare on Cloud World various providers and find the application that suits your needs best.
Especially for small and medium businesses is cloud.de the ideal platform to find cloud-based software and services and reserve. You will find applications for different industries and tasks. Compare the different features and run times to determine the best cloud computing offer and receive a customized software solutions and services suitable for your business.
Here on cloud.de see also a knowledge area with relevant information on the subject of cloud computing. In our blog, we present the latest trends and developments that will be important in the future. Whether you are looking for a cloud provider, cloud computing "as a service" offer yourself or simply find out more about options and prices want - cloud world is right place
Server Model
The client-server model is the standard approach to the distribution of tasks within a network. Tasks are distributed via servers on different computers and can be requested of them when needed by multiple clients to solve their own tasks or parts. The tasks may be to standard tasks (E-mail, E-mail reception, Web access, etc.) or specific tasks of a software or program. An object is called in client-server model as a service.
A server is a program that provides a service (service). As part of the client-server concept, another program, the client, to use this service. The communication between client and server is dependent on the service, that is, the service determines which data is exchanged between the two. The server is on standby at all times to respond to the touch of a client can. Unlike the client actively requests a service, the server will behave passively and waits for requests. The rules of communication for a service (format, call the server, meaning the data exchanged between the server and client data), are defined by a specific protocol for the service.
Clients and servers can run as programs on different computers or on the same computer. In general, the concept can be extended to a group of servers (software), which offers a set of services. Examples: Mail server, (Enhanced) Web server, application server, database server.
Since running usually collected in practice this server to specific computers, it has become customary to refer to these computer itself as a server. The same examples: mail server, web server, application server, database server.
Cloud Comuunication
The cloud model is entering the telecommunications. As the current study "Communication and Collaboration in the Cloud" by Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC) shows, are almost 40 percent of German companies a use of cloud services for communications and collaboration towards positive. Many typical SMEs encounter the cloud model even with skepticism, small businesses and large enterprises, however, are quite receptive.
However, many companies show regardless of size reluctant to refer purely based applications such as e-mail and telephony as a cloud service. In these segments continues to dominate the house operation.
Cloud offerings are yet actively used by only two to five percent of users. Less than a tenth keeps switching to the cloud model within the next two years is likely. The benefits of the cloud are well seen. Thus, many users expect from a cloud-based telephony solution expands the ways the connection of new sites - a nuclear problem of conventional plants.
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